Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2012

Zimtige Chocolate chip cookies

Zimtige Chocolate Chip Cookies/ Cinnamon Chocolate Chip cookies
350 gr weiche Butter/soft butter
280 gr weisser Zucker/granulated sugar
200 gr brauner Zucker/brown sugar
1 Essloeffel Vanilleextrakt/ 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 Eier/eggs
440 gr Mehl/flour
2 Teeloeffel Natron/2 teaspoons baking soda
½ Teel. Salz/1/2 teaspoon salt
3 Teeloeffel Zimt/ 3 teaspoons cinnamon
1 Paeckchen chocolate chip cookies/ 1 pack choc chips
Weigh out all ingredients

my home made vanilla extract, much better than the bought ones

yum, extra dark chocolate chips

hmmh, one thing still missing

ahhh, there they are, all mixed in

now to get the cookies onto the tray

ready for the oven
Butter mit Zuckern schaumig ruehren, Eier und bis auf die Chocolate Chips alles mit reinkneten. Zum Schluss die Chips rein
beat butter and sugars until creamy, add in everything else except cho chips till soft dough forms, then mix in the chocolate chips.
Mit 2 Teeloeffel kleine Haeufchen auf Backblech setzen oder kleinen Oblatenportionierer nehmen
 using 2 teaspoons or a cookie scoop, drop them onto a baking tray and leave enough space, as they spread.
Vorgeheizter Ofen 150 Umluft 12-14 Minuten backen,
 put into preheated oven 150 degrees Celsius and bake for about 12-14 minutes
Now go and make a cup of coffee and enjoy

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