Mittwoch, 28. November 2012

My first foray into blogging

Hi everyone,

wow, I'm starting to blog. Never thought I might do that. I don't have a clue, what I will write about and where this blog will take me. A bit about myself.

We live in Shanghai and have been here 10 yrs. Living here is not always fun but always challenging. We meet a lot of interesting people, and unfortunately have to say good bye much too often as well. I spend a lot of my time in front of the computer or in my kitchen. I make novelty custom cakes (keeps me out of trouble) and love crafting things, as well as reading (thank you kindle)

I'll attach a couple of pictures, just to find out how it goes, I must admit, I'm a bit computer challenged, so please bear with me

First birthday cake I just finished yesterday

A chain smokin' rooster sitting in front of a stack of tires playing PS3

Grad cap surprise cake for my neighbour's son
Wow, I think I was able to upload the pictures, let's see, whether I can post it

1 Kommentar:

  1. Ach, wenn das nicht die Uschi ist!!! Einen sehr hübschen Blog hast Du hier. Jetzt hast Du einen Leser mehr! ;-)

    Sind wir eigentlich seelenverwandt??? Denn ich habe fast zeitgleich mit meinem Blog angefangen. ;-) Vielleicht magst Du mal schauen:
