Mittwoch, 30. Januar 2013

The "Birthday Boy" with his cake

Just got this in today, picture of the cake, where you can see, how large it was in reality

Thank you, Herr Matter, for allowing me to post this wonderful picture

Mango/Banana Smoothie for a healthy breakfast

Mango/Banana Smoothie for a healthy breakfast

1 mango
2 bananas
2 tablespoons plain joghurt, I make my own
2 teaspoons bourbon vanilla sugar
1 cup freshly pressed orange juice
1 ½ cups milk

Cut open mango and scoop out all the flesh. Peel bananas and put into blender together with all other ingredients. Turn on blender and let run for around 1 minute, till mixture is nice and frothy.

Pour into glasses and serve

And did you guys notice the etched leaves on the glass? Here it is again

Well these glasses were etched by lil ole me


Blueberry muffins with a cinnamon streusel topping

Last night, I suddenly felt like making something else for breakfast this morning. Having had bought so many blueberries at the wetmarket on sunday, I thought, why not make some fresh blueberry muffins for breakfast. To cut down on the time I would need this morning, I went into the kitchen and weighed everything out. I premade the streusel and mixed all dry ingredients together. All I had to do this morning, was melt the butter, pour the cold milk in and add the egg. Mixing the dough went quickly, as everything was ready and waiting. I switched on the oven, as soon as I came down and BEFORE making my coffee, so that by the time I had filled the muffin liners, the oven was ready.

Seeing my daughter's face, when she came down for breakfast made the half hour worth while, that I had to get up earlier

Blueberry muffins with a cinnamon streusel  topping


160 gr all-purpose flour

140 gr sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons baking powder

60 gr butter, melted and cooled

1 egg

90 ml milk

120 gr fresh blueberries


120 gr sugar

50 gr all-purpose flour

60 gr butter, cubed

1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon


Preheat oven to 160 degrees C. Line muffin tin with liners. (Done last night)

Combine all dry ingredients. 

Then mix egg with cooled butter and milk and stir well to break up the egg. Pour into the dry ingredients and incorporate. Fold in the blueberries. Fill liners ¾ way up.

To Make Crumb Topping: 

Mix together  sugar,  flour,  butter, and  cinnamon. Get your hands in there and mix well, rub the flour and sugar into the butter, until you have fine streusels, you don’t want them too large, as the muffin tops do not have that much space. Sprinkle the Streusel onto the filled liner and gently press them, so that they adhere to the dough.

Bake for about 25 minutes in the preheated oven, or until done.

I made 13 muffins with this recipe

Pecanbrownies with a twist

Pecanbrownies with a twist


 Served with chocolate sauce, strawberries and blueberries, photo thanks to my beautiful daughter
My nifty brownie pan

 see how rich and dark my home made vanilla extract is?
Into my pan, which has been brushed with pan release
But now for the recipe

200 gr dark chocolate

120 gr butter

50 mls red wine

2 large eggs

100 gr brown sugar

60 gr white granulated sugar

2 teaspoons home made vanilla sugar

2 teaspoon natural vanilla extract (I make my own)

80 gr flour

30 gr cocoa powder

200 gr chopped pecans
The how to:

Melt the chocolate in the butter (microwave) and make sure it’s melted completely, stir smooth and let it cool down.

Mix flour and cocoa powder and set aside

In a clean bowl, whip the eggs with the sugars until thick and creamy, add vanilla extract. When nice and thick, mix in the cooled chocolate/ butter mixture and then the red wine.

Sieve the flour mixture on top and beat in. Add in the pecans at the end and fold in


Pour into brownie pan and bake at 160 degrees Celsius for around 15 to 20 minutes. The cake is done, when moist crumbs stick to your toothpick, but the top looks dry, I think 15 minutes is enough

Samstag, 26. Januar 2013

Wolfsbarsch auf einem Bett von Zitronenreis

Ich hatte gestern ueberhaupt keine Ahnung, was ich kochen sollte. Auch hatte ich gar keine Lust gestern durch den Smog von Shanghai zu laufen und mir etwas vom Markt zu holen, der Smog is momentan echt schlimm.

Also Kuehlschrank auf, die Gefriertruhe auch und reingeguckt. Naja, vielleicht war es ja ganz gut so, weil da ist ja noch recht viel drin. Als erstes fiel mein Blick auf eine Schuessel gekochtem Reis.Hmmh, der muss weg und einfach wegschmeissen? Nee, nee, das geht mal ueberhaupt nicht. In der Gefriertruhe waren auch noch genug Fischfilets, da wir ja vor 2 Wochen eine Grosspackung Fischfilets geholt hatten. Also erstmals 2 Filets rausgeholt, und zuerst einmal Internetsurfen. Da war aber nichts, was mich so richtig gereizt hatte. Also musste ich meine grauen Zellen anstrengen.
Da fiel mir die Paeckchen ein, die ich damals mit Couscous gemacht hatte, so in etwa koennte es doch werden, die kamen ja auch spergut bei meinen Lieben an.

Also, rein in die Kueche und ausprobieren

Im Ofen gebackene Wolfsbarschfilet auf einem Bett von Zitronen/Rosmarin Reis

Oven baked Seabass fillet on a bed of lemony/rosemary Rice

2 grosse Fischfilet, 2 large filets of fish

Saft von 2 Zitronen, juice of two lemons

2 Zweige Rosmarin, gehackt, 2 twigs rosemary, finely chopped

Halbe grosse Zwiebel, half of a large onion

4 Knoblauchzehen, 4 cloves of garlic

3 Tassen gekochter Reis, 3 cups cooked rice

2 ½ Essl. Butter, 2 ½ tablespoons butter

4 Essl. gehackte Fruehlingszwiebeln. 4 Tablespoons minced spring onion

Zwiebel mit Knoblauch fein hacken

Finely chop onion with the garlic

Butter zerlassen und Zwiebelgemisch dazugeben

Melt butter in a large frying pan and add onions

Wenn die Zwiebel glasig ist, Rosmarin dazugeben, kurz mitbraten.

When the onions are softened, add the rosemary and fry a bit longer

 Den Reis mit in die Pfanne geben, gut vermengen.

Add rice into frying pan and heat through

 Mit Zitronensaft und Salz abschmecken.

Add lemon juice and salt to taste

Zum Schluss 4 Essloeffel gehackte Fruehlingszwiebel mit reingeben und erhitzen

At the end add the spring onions and heat through again


4 grosse Stuecke Backpapier zurechtschneiden

Cut three pieces of baking paper

Auf jedem Stueck papier in die Mitte den Reis loeffeln

Arrange the rice down the middle of each

Die Fischfilets jeweils halbieren und mit etwas Zitronensaft traeuffeln und mit Dijon Senf beschmieren

Cut each filet in half and drizzle some lemon juice onto each piece and smear with Dijon mustard

Auch mit Salz und Pfeffer wuerzen

Den Fisch auf den Reis legen und die Paeckchen gut verschliessen

Salt and pepper the filets and lay a piece of fish on each bed of rice

In eine Auflaufform geben und im vorgeheiztem Ofen ca 25 minuten backen

Wrap and place into baking dish

Put into a preheated oven and bake for about 20 minutes

Freitag, 25. Januar 2013

Mercedes Silberpfeil aus dem Jahr 1937

Ein echtes Schaetzchen, irgendwie haben die alten Autos alle mehr Charakter fuer mich, als ihre neueren Modelle.

Letzte Woche wurde ich gebeten, doch bitte dieses Auto als Torte zu modellieren.

1.5 kg Butter, 24 Eier, l liter Schokoganache und keine Ahnung wieviele Stunden spaeter, wurde dieses "Baby" geboren. Ein Frankfurter Kranz in Autoform.

Montag, 21. Januar 2013

Buchteln, gefuellt mit Erdbeer/Lavendel Marmelade

Buchteln, gefuellt mit Erdbeer/Lavendel Marmelade
German old fashioned dessert rolls, filled with strawberry/lavender jam

500 gr Mehl (flour)
1 ½ Essloeffeln Trockenhefe,(tablespoon dried yeast)
50 gr Zucker (sugar)
2 Teel. Bourbonvanillezucker (2 teaspoon bourbon vanillasugar)
80 gr Butter
2 grosse Eier (large eggs)
1 teel. Salz (salt)
Geriebene Schale einer Zitrone (zest of one lemon)
Erdbeer/Lavendel marmelade (Strawberry/lavender jam)
40 gr Butter fuer die Form ( Butter to butter the pan)
1 Eigelb (egg yolk)
Milch mit Butter erwaermen, sodass die Butter schmilzt, kurz abkuehlen lassen bis lauwarm
Heat the butter in the milk, so that the butter melts, let cool down until it’s just a bit warm
Alle trockenen Zutaten in den Mixer geben und einmal trocken laufen lassen, sodas sich alles vermengt
Put all dry ingredients into your mixer and let it run, so that the ingredients are well mixed
Die Eier in die lauwarme Milch verquirlen
Mix in the eggs into the warm milk and combine well
Feuchte Zutaten in das Mael schuetten und den Mixer  ca 10 Minuten laufen lassen
Add the wet ingredients into the flour mixture and let the machine knead the dough for about 10 minutes
Aufgehen lassen, bis sich der Teig verdoppelt hat
Cover and let rise, till the dough has doubled
Auf eine bemehlte Arbeitsflaeche geben und nochmals gut durchkneten
Dump the dough onto a floured surface and knead through well
Eine Auflaufform oder Springform mit zerlassener Butter auspinseln
Melt some butter and butter a cakepan or casserole dish well
Kleine Kugeln formen, flach druecken und in die Mitte etwas Erdbeer/Lavendel marmalade (oder andere) hineingeben. Die Seiten hochbringen und gut zusammenkneifen. Mit der zusammengekneiften Seite in die Form legen. Etwas Abstand lassen, das der Teig wieder gehen soll
Break off bits of dough and roll into balls. Flatten them and put some strawberry/lavender jam inside.  Bring up the sides and pinch well together. Place them seam side down into the baking dish. Leave some space in between, as the dough will rise again.
Restliche Butter auf die Buchteln pinseln und nochmals aufgehen lassen, gut abdecken.
Brush the left over butter onto the rolls, cover with cling wrap and let rise again.
Eigelb mit einem Schluck Milch verquirlen und auf die Buchteln pinseln.
Beat the egg yolk with a tablespoon of milk and brush onto the tops of the rolls.

Im vorgeheiztem Ofen (160 gr Umluft) ca 20-25 Minuten backen

Shove the pan into a preheated oven (fan forced 160 degrees Celsius) and bake for around 20-25 Minutes
Mit Vanillesosse oder einer Kugel Vanilleeis servieren
Serve with either a vanillasauce or vanilla icecream

Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2013

Oven baked wrapped seabass on a bed of lemony herbed couscous

A couple of nights ago, we felt the need, not for meat, but for fish. We found some really nice frozen seabass in our last Metro shopping tour.

Although my daughter prefers salmon as fish, she did like this after trying it. A light dinner to enjoy with a nice glass of white wine ( no my daughter did not have a glass, but we certainly did)


150g couscous
2 lemons, 1 sliced & 1 zested & juiced (Zitrone, 1 in duenne Scheiben, 1 duenn schaelen und ausquetschen)
4 rosemary sprigs, finely chopped (Rosmarin Zweige, eine davon fein hacken)
About 2 tablespoons fresh thyme (2 Essloeffel frischer Thymian)
2 cloves garlic finely chopped ( Knoblauchzehen, fein gehackt)
190ml (¼pt) hot vegetable stock (heisse Gemuesebruehe)
1 onion, finely chopped ( fein gehackte Zwiebel)
2 tbsp olive oil (2 Essl. Olivenoel)
3 sea bass fillets (3 Wolfsbarschfilets)
50ml (3fl oz) dry white wine(trockener Weisswein)

    1. Preheat the oven to 190C (Ofen auf 190 Grad vorheizen) In a large bowl place the couscous, zest of one lemon and 1 sprig of chopped rosemary. Pour over the hot stock, cover with cling film and leave for 5 minutes before fluffing with a fork.
Couscous in eine grosse Schuessel geben, die Zitronenschale und den gehackten Rosmarin hineingeben. Mit heisser Gemuesebruehe uebergiessen, mit Kla und 5 Minuten stehen lassen. Dann mit einer Gabel auflockern
    2. Meanwhile fry the onions and garlic in a bit of olive oil till they become somewhat translucentIn der Zwischenzeit die Zwiebel mit dem Knoblauch in etwas Olivenoel glasig braten

    3. Mix the juice of 1 lemon with 1 tbsp oil. Stir through the couscous with the onions and half the thyme. Taste the couscous, if needed add a bit more juice or salt and pepper

    Den Zitronensaft mit 1 Essl Olivenoel mischen und zusammen mit der Zwiebel in den Couscous einruehren. Abschmecken, gegebenfalls mit etwas Salz, Pfeffer und Zitronensaft nachwuerzen

    4. Spoon the couscous into the centre of baking parchment squares (size depends on how large you want your parcels to be and place a sea bass fillet over each pile. Top each with thinly sliced lemon, the thyme and the remaining rosemary. Drizzle with the oil and white wine then fold the parchment edges in order to seal in the fish & couscous. I used metal clips to make sure, that the juices won’t be lost
    Den couscous auf einem Rechteck von Backpapier fuellen und ein Filet drauflegen, Auf den Fisch dann die Zitronenscheiben und Rosmarinzweig legen. Mit etwas Olivenoel/Weingemisch betraeufeln. Dann das Rechteck so falten und fixieren, dass der Saft beim backen nicht rauslaeuft

    5. Place on a baking tray and bake in the preheated oven for 20 mins. Serve in the parcels at the table.

    Auf ein Backblech legen und im Ofen ca 20 minuten garen. Verpackt an den Tisch bringen, sodass jeder sein Paeckchen auspacken kann
 herbs are from my own garden
 Zest one lemon, then juice it, slice the other into fine slices
 Weigh out the couscous
 Add chopped Rosemary

cover with stock

 Fry onions
 Bed of couscous on parchment paper
 add fish, lemon and herbs
 drizzle with olive oil/wine, I do this with a teaspoon

 The finished dinner

Serve this with a nice fresh salad for a complete, but light, dinner

Sonntag, 6. Januar 2013

Chilli Foam Soup

yes and I do mean Foam, because after you whip the *.. out of it with the hand held blender, the cream soup turns into a frothy light soup. This is the translation of my previous entry.


1 large onion
4 small garlic cloves
1 leek
1-2 Chillis fresh or dried
2tblsp good olive oil
½ litre chicken broth
300 ml dry white wine (save the cork for your vase Jane)
300 ml whipping cream

Puree the onion with the garlic or chop very finely, chop up the leek. Slit chilli lengthwise and remove most of the seeds. I usually use 2 Chillis, but these were extremely hot. .

TIP:Either oil your hands before slitting chillies or wear gloves.

Heat up the oil in a suaceoan and fry the onions, til sightly glassy, add leeks and fry till wilted. Add in wine and broth and bring to boil. Simmer until reduced by half.
Put everything into a fine sieve press out all the juices, return to pot and fill up to 400 mal. Bring to boil, add cream, bring to a simmer. Check taste with salt and pepper. Shortly before serving, whip it up with either a whist or a hand held blender.